Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My brother's wedding

Here are some pictures from my brother's wedding from May this year

Ionut & Andreea

The guests having fun on the dance floor

Ionut & Andreea

Traditional Romanian dancing and costumes

I wish them many, many happy moments toghether and a magical life! LOVE YOU!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Healing spirit

Surfing around the web today I found this incredible image that I want to share with you along with a story about my life

My father passed away three weeks ago and it was quite a transforming experience for me. The past 6 months I was mostly away at my parents house trying to help my father heal. I read books about nutrition, about emotional and spiritual healing, I searched for answers everywhere. It was very hard for me seeing my father like that and not being able to help him but I understand now the gift that I've been given along with this experience. The healing must come from inside and you must heal yourself before being able to help someone else.
I am at peace now and I thank my father from the bottom of my heart for everything he did for me. I send him my love and I receive his.
I hope you will feel as inspired as I was watching this beautiful "Healing Spirit"

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pieces of the Puzzle

I was invited to participate in Project Reconstruction where we had to remake one man shirt (or more than one, as I did) in something else wearable. Here are the pants I've made :)

Go to http://www.vivalamoda.co.cc/poll.php?vote=11 and vote for me if you like my project

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The magic of FLOWERS

I mentioned before I looove flowers. I wished for flowers for my birthday that was a few days ago and here's what I've got :)

Don't worry, the radiator it's not working... and that's not so great considering that outside it's snowing, but we'll survive. Any warm thoughts are wellcomed :)

I wish you flowers and send you happy vibes!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Free and healthy

I mentioned before about my new diet. Actually it is not so new for me. It has been a process of 4 - 5 years, and looking back I'm so glad and thankful I got so far :)

5 years ago, I had my first job, in a software company. I had a few extra pounds and a few allergies so I decided to start learning about nutrition. I started taking an organic suppliment that was helping with the detox of my body and along with it I needed to eat at least 70% raw foods, no meat, no dairy. It was pretty easy and I felt great. At that time I didn't consider this diet as a lifestyle so after a few months I went back to my old diet but I reduced the meat, I only eat a few times a year. But I was still eating dairy and cooked foods. In time, after reading more about nutrition, the idea of eating raw vegan started to get bigger in my head, but I felt like it's a very big step for me and I wasn't ready. In time, I totally stopped eating meat, after a while I didn't eat any dairy or eggs and I tried eating as much raw fruits and vegetables as I could.
So here I am, 5 years and lots of books and blogs, forums and documentries later, 100% raw vegan. Let us look at some "before" and "after" pictures :) I always loved that on other people and now I have the chance to do it. I'll let you guess witch is witch. Maybe the visible changes are not so incredible but I sure feel different, lighter and healthier than ever :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New ideas

I went shopping for some new fabric today. I found this beautiful greish blue embroidered fabric that I think it's going to end up being a dress

This suuuper comfy, soft green cotton knit that I'll use for the Romantic Wanderer dress and the yoga pants.. and who knows what else ;)

And in this grey special fabric I see a funky skirt!

If you have any more ideas please let me know :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Spring is here

Today spring came bursting into my heart :) with nettles and primulas

I was a bit sad and I went for a walk. I went to the local market where I always love to look at the coloured fruits and vegetables and smell all the freshness of the living foods. I found nettles for the first time this year. I was sooo glad! Like I have received a beautiful gift :)

I took the nettles home and made some green juice. yam, yam! :)) Not really yammy, just kidding, but very nutritious and energizing! Walking back home I fell in love with this flower and took here home with me also. I love how flowers always make me feel. Each and every time I look at them I feel joy. I see and feel the perfection of nature!
I realized today that you cannot be sad or depressed in the spring. Just get out of the house and the air, sun and singing birds will make you feel perfection :) Just try it!
yesterday I got one step closer to my wedding dress making this Snowdrop little white dress http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=41254956

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What a happy day

Today I had such a nice and relaxing day :) I made this blue blouse for Heidi and a few more dresses and I had a lot of fun with Lucian, my boyfriend, who made me laugh until my jaws hurt :) Here we are planning about winning the Amazing Race :))

And here is Ozzy wondering what's with us

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I have to confess I have a passion for sweets :) But don't we all?

Since I am eating raw I discovered a new world, where you can eat sweets (and I'm talking here about delicious, beautiful, yammy sweets) as much as you want and you still loose weight and you don't have to feel guilty eating them. Isn't that something?

Today I saw this felted cake on the first page of etsy and it reminded me of how greatful I am for my new life. I can eat tasty, exciting new stuff and because of that I look and feel great! I wish you all to get the chance to feel the same :)

Here is the link if you desire some cake http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=40338801&ref=fp_feat_8

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Handmade yammy goodies

Kimberlee hearted my store, I visited hers and a handmade love story was born :) I traded a dress for some handmade soaps, natural shampoo and yammy perfumes
All of her products are made of natural ingredients using cold process tehnique. And they look like cookies :)

Jump for joy

I had some purple cotton pants for a year or so and I've been wearing them all day long. Feeling comfy in my workshop, working out, jumping in my rebounder, doing yoga, sleeping in them, just hanging round the house... and love how it felt. So I was thinking today, if it feels so good wearing them, why don't I list them in my shop :) Maybe other people will like them.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Friends forever

Magic snow

I have always considered winter as magical! As the Earth puts on this white, sparkling coat of snow, I start feeling like an elf :))

This year we had more snow than usual (probably all of us, all around the world, did) so I enjoyed my home town, Fagaras, covered in snow

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My wishes for 2010

I feel 2010 will be a great year!! I started like never before this year eating healthy 100% raw food, for almoast 2 months now (I'll share more about this in another post). I realised that this was my first not smoking, not drinking, not eating junk food New Years Eve for a very long time (probably since I was 13). And it feels great :D

I am already dreaming about the summer days, living by the beach for 3 months (yeeey), smiling full of delight whenever I see a girl with a bag or dress of mine dancing in the sand

I am looking forward for my wedding in september :)

I am dreaming about new magical dresses, fun&colorful clothes that will turn to life in my workshop. I can't wait to get back to work!! But until then I will enjoy the last days of rest, at my parents house in Fagaras

Have a magical, beautifull, smiling, delightfull, wonderful, incredible year!!!